Sponsored 4th & Final session of “Leadership Mentor & Awareness Against Alcohol and Drug use” for selected students from various schools in Killinochchi through my charity Nivaranam. A request was received back in September 2016 from the “Chamber of Education & Cultural Development Killinochchi District” to run a series of awareness programs to prevent the usage of Drugs & Alcohol among students. The idea is to educate the selected students and turn them into ambassadors, so can share their learned experience with the rest of them in their schools. Gladly accepted to fund and sent $3708 to conduct all 4 session between Jan 2017 to Jan 2018. I was happy to be there last week in person to see how they were doing it. Three other sessions were done since all of 2017, one involving all the school principals in Killinochchi district and the other two involving the students. It was a very interactive approach along with good videos emphasizing the consequences of drug & alcohol usage. Thanks to the Nivaranam donors for safeguarding the future of these students. Coconut plants were handed out to students hoping they will grow as tall as that in life and also to promote “Greenery”.