Priceless moment when 100th beneficiary 12-year-old Vaishnavi extended her gratitude
Priceless moment when 100th beneficiary 12-year-old Vaishnavi extended her gratitude
Together, we have saved 100 Lives!
Together, we have saved 100 Lives! Our Chief Guest, Mr. Daniel Bood, the Political and Trade Counsellor at the Canadian High Commission cut the cake for passing 100 heart
One of the most priceless moments in my life
One of the most priceless moments in my life. Together, we have saved 100 Lives! The celebration of crossing 100 life-saving Heart surgeries was celebrated @ the Lanka Hospital onHello world!
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It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like
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It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like
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It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like
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It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like